Selecting a Tree

When you’re out on the farm it’s easy to be drawn to the biggest, fullest tree on the lot. But before trying to drag that 15 footer to your car, there are a few things to consider.

  1. Check the freshness. Running your and over one of the branches to see if the needles fall off. If they do you know it’s not very fresh. Also, check for brown spots on the needles.
  2. If you plan on putting a lot of ornaments and heavy decorations, look for a tree with nice strong branches. You don’t want your tree to look like it’s being weighed down by your decorations.
  3. What color are you looking for? There is anything from silver-blue to a yellow-green.
  4. Height and width are vital to making sure you can get your tree in your house and that you have the space to display it (we don’t want any Clark Grisworld situations).
  5. Bringing your tree home. Most people tie their trees to the top of the car, which works great. But bring a blanket or tarp to place on top of your tree, this helps stop the wind from drying out the branches.

You’ve found the perfect tree. You’ve gotten it home. You’re so close to having the perfect Christmas tree experience; there are just a few more things to think about as far care of your tree.